Sony Yeds 18 Test Cd
Recording the CD (to enter music data into the. computer). 4. Mount the TEST CD (YEDS-18) in the CD-ROM drive. 5. Click the Recorder button at the upper left .... Sony - 2000 - Sony YEDS-18 Test CD. 01. Air Glow-Theme of CD, emphasis on 02. 1KHz Sine Wave, 0 dB, L & R, emphasis off 03. 20Hz Sine .... Japan Audio Society Audio Test CD-1 (YDDS-2); Philips Test Sample 4a; Sony Test CD Type 3 YEDS-7; Technics CD Test Disc SH .... YEDS 18 - Test CD Type 4. YEDS 19 - Sony CD Player - Listen to the CD YEDS 20 - Sony CD Compact Player Demonstration Disc YEDS 23 .... This disc was prepared for testing general audio output specifications of the compact disc player, and to test ... dammu video songs hd 1080p blu-ray telugu movies
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Recording the CD (to enter music data into the. computer). 4. Mount the TEST CD (YEDS-18) in the CD-ROM drive. 5. Click the Recorder button at the upper left .... Sony - 2000 - Sony YEDS-18 Test CD. 01. Air Glow-Theme of CD, emphasis on 02. 1KHz Sine Wave, 0 dB, L & R, emphasis off 03. 20Hz Sine .... Japan Audio Society Audio Test CD-1 (YDDS-2); Philips Test Sample 4a; Sony Test CD Type 3 YEDS-7; Technics CD Test Disc SH .... YEDS 18 - Test CD Type 4. YEDS 19 - Sony CD Player - Listen to the CD YEDS 20 - Sony CD Compact Player Demonstration Disc YEDS 23 .... This disc was prepared for testing general audio output specifications of the compact disc player, and to test ... 8fa3b7cce7 dammu video songs hd 1080p blu-ray telugu movies
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